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This is a hybrid session. You have the option to attend this live in-person or online via Zoom. Please select accordingly at registration.
The in-person session on 16th November will be conducted at:
Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel
(Ballroom 1 & 2, Level 3)
320 Orchard Road
Singapore 238865
This workshop will share practical and salient updates on key changes in the Singapore Financial Reporting Landscape.
Practical Examples and Illustrations will be used throughout the workshop to demonstrate the real-life application of these updates and changes.
Programme Outline
1. Amendments to FRS 116: Lease liability in a sale and leaseback
- Issue date: 14 December 2022
- Effective date: 1 January 2024
2. Amendments to FRS 7 and FRS 107: Supplier Finance Arrangements
- Issue date: 9 June 2023
- Effective date: 1 January 2024
3. Amendments to FRS 1: Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-Current
- Issue date: 29 May 2020
- Effective date: 1 January 2024
4. Amendments to FRS 1: Non-Current Liabilities with Covenants
- Issue date: 14 December 2022
- Effective date: 1 January 2024
5. Amendments to FRS 12: Income Tax Reform – Pillar Two Model Rules
- Issue date: 23 May 2023
- Effective date: 1 January 2023
6. Amendments to FRS 12: Deferred tax for Leases (lessee) and Provision for Decommissioning
- Issue date: 15 September 2021
- Effective date: 1 January 2023
7. Amendments to FRS 1 and FRS Practice Statement 2 – Disclosure of Material Accounting Policy Information
- Issue date: 7 June 2021
- Effective date: 1 January 2023
This workshop qualifies for 7.0 CPE hours in Financial Reporting Standards and Pronouncements (Category 1).
What you will learn
- Keep abreast of recent FRS Updates
- Receive practical and salient updates on key changes in the Singapore Financial Reporting Landscape
- Understand the real-life application of these updates and changes
Target Audience
Accountants and Auditors who would like to keep abreast of the recent FRS Updates and Changes in the Financial Reporting Landscape
Expert Speaker
Chee Hay Kheong Daniel
Daniel holds an Honours degree in Accountancy from the National University of Singapore and is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA). He has more than 15 years of experience in the accounting profession, having worked for one of the Big 4 accounting firms both in Singapore and in the United Kingdom. He has also more than 5 years of senior management experience with MNCs, managing their operations in Singapore and Asia.
Daniel is a highly sought-after seminar trainer. He was an Adjunct Professor in the School of Business, Singapore University of Social Sciences and an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Accounting of the NUS Business School. He served as a committee member of both the IT Committee and the Examination Committee of ISCA, and was a Committee member of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee of Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA).
This is a hybrid session. You have the option to attend this live in-person or online via Zoom. Please select accordingly at registration.