CCH Learning SEA


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As we enter the brave new world, a host of opportunities and challenges awaits. How do we make sense of the ethical issues arising in the digital economy and the AI and crypto world?

This timely and practical workshop seeks to address common ethical issues in these areas, and discuss how we can effectively manage these ethical dilemma in real life.

Programme Outline

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) in various company departments

  • Sales and Marketing
    • Liability for misrepresentation
    • Mistakes in pricing and contract terms
  • Human resources
    • Use in hiring, promotion, remuneration and termination
    • Issues of discrimination and wrongful termination
    • Loss of employment, e.g., Hollywood writers and actors’ strike
  • Finance
    • Issues of false accounting
    • Capital raising
  • Operations
    • Operations of machinery and vehicles by AI
    • Lawsuits relating to damage and personal injury
    • Smart homes

Lawsuits relating to physical harm caused by AI

  • Law of negligence
  • Elements of negligence
  • Defences to negligence including consent, contributory negligence and joint liability
  • Decision making by AI
  • Asimov's Law of Robotics
  • Proof of defective software
  • Role of experts
  • Legal protection against defective AI

AI and contracts

  • Ownership or lease
  • Exemption clauses

AI in the arts

  • Image rights, AI created works and intellectual property ownership
  • Deceptive marketing with deep fakes

The Ethics of Crypto and Crypto fraud

  • The Ethics of Crypto: Good Intentions and Unethical Players
  • Smart contracts - how they work
  • FTX and market manipulation
  • Securities and Futures Act
  • Money laundering and AML measures
  • Secrecy
  • Celebrity endorsement lawsuits

Crypto related lawsuits in Singapore

  • The crypto exchange error case
  • The lawsuit against unknown thieves
  • The case to recover diverted crypto

Crimes in the digital world

  • Property related crimes
  • Crimes against the body
  • Remote gambling
  • Computer Misuse Act and the various offences
  • Personal data protection

Social media

  • Harassment, obscenity, dangerous copying leading to death and injury

This workshop qualifies for 7.0 CPE hours in Ethics and Professionalism (Category 2).

What you will learn

  • Have a good appreciation of the ethical Issues in AI , Crypto and the Digital Economy
  • Learn practical pointers on how you can effectively manage the ethical dilemma arising in these areas

Target Audience

Professionals and Managers who would like to have a practical understanding and appreciation of ethical issues surrounding the digital economy and the world of AI and crypto

Expert Speaker

Terence Tan
LLB (Hons), LLM, ACCA (Grad)

Terence is an Advocate and Solicitor for over 20 years, and was formerly Asst Professor in the Law Faculty of NUS where he taught Insolvency Law, Company Law and Computer Law.

Terence was named in Parliament in 1995 by the then Minister of Law for his comments on a loophole in the proposed Bankruptcy Act. His comments on bankruptcy legislation were expressly discussed by the High Court and the Court of Appeal.

Besides contributing articles in legal journals, Terence also regularly provides legal training and education for professional organizations, overseas universities and MNCs.

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