CCH Learning SEA

  • IT & Software

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    A Deeper Look at ChatGPT & AI Applications in Finance and Accounting

    Thursday, 09:00 AM, Tuesday, 09:00 AM - 7.0 CPE Hours

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    Advanced Excel with ChatGPT: A Practical Programme for Professionals and Business Managers

    Monday, 09:00 AM - 14.0 CPE Hours

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    Business Intelligence and Data Analytics using Power BI: A Practical Programme for Professionals, Managers and Executives

    Thursday, 09:00 AM - 7.0 CPE Hours

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    Cybersecurity 101 for Professional Advisors - 10 June 2021 (On Demand)

    Elearning - 1.00 CPE Hours

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    Microsoft Power Query: A Practical Introduction to Excel Workbook Automation

    Register interest - 7.0 CPE Hours

  • Office Series 2022 - An Introduction to Power BI - 17 February 2022 (On Demand)

    Elearning - 1.25 CPE Hours

  • Office Series 2022 - Data Cleansing in Excel Made Easy - 17 February 2022

    Elearning - 1.25 CPE Hours

  • Office Series 2022 - Microsoft Teams working with SharePoint and OneDrive - 31 March 2022 (On Demand)

    Elearning - 1.25 CPE Hours

  • Office Series 2022 - The Best of Microsoft Outlook - 26 May 2022 (On Demand)

    Elearning - 1.25 CPE Hours

  • Office Series 2022 - The Best of Microsoft PowerPoint (On Demand)

    Elearning - 1.25 CPE Hours

  • Office Series 2022 - The Best of Microsoft Word (On Demand)

    Elearning - 1.25 CPE Hours

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    Practical EXCEL for the Modern Accountant: Building Functional Spreadsheets in Accounting Scenarios

    Thursday, 09:00 AM - 14.0 CPE Hours

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    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) using Power Automate Desktop: A Practical Introduction for the Modern Finance and Accounting Professionals

    Register interest - 7.0 CPE Hours

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    Using Excel Macros & VBA with ChatGPT: A Practical Programme for Professionals and Business Managers

    Register interest - 14.0 CPE Hours

  • Write Better Excel - The Fundamentals (On Demand)

    Elearning - 1.25 CPE Hours

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