CCH Learning SEA

CPE Certificates

For live webinars and face-to-face events, a CPE certificate is sent to the registered attendee at the end of the session.

For On-Demand webinar recordings purchased through the CCH Learning store, simply view the recording, complete and pass the accompanying CPE quiz and you will receive your CPE certificate.

CPE Logs

Information regarding your attendance is recorded through our event management software and we can make this information available should your CPE record be audited. However, it is up to individuals to maintain their own CPE log.

Please note: CCH Learning do not maintain CPE logs for individuals or organisations.


What is ‘CPE’?

Many professions, such as accountants and lawyers, are required to complete a minimum number of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) or Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours per year.

Industry associations have different requirements and criteria around CPE/CPD, but in general the learning activity has to be relevant to your individual professional development objectives and should be verifiable.

Please check with your particular industry association’s website for their specific CPE requirements and criteria.



CPA Australia


Law Society of Singapore

Singapore Institute of Legal Education

If you are a member of another professional association, please refer to that association’s CPE requirements.

Verifiable activities

Although each professional association has slightly different criteria around CPE, CCH Learning events and webinars are generally considered verifiable as we provide the following:

  • Registration confirmation email
  • Interactive Q&A sessions
  • Webinar/Event workbooks
  • All webinars are recorded, so, if required, they can be assessed for CPE relevance if your CPE log is audited
  • Webinar recordings contain a multi-choice CPE Quiz

What qualifies?

What qualifies for CPE is very subjective and depends on each individual’s professional learning plan and objectives.  Most association models are based on a similar cycle of planning and learning:

Planning (What to learn) – Action (The CPE activity) – Evaluation (What was learned) – Reflection (What further learning is needed).

The key thing to consider when looking at potential CPE activities is whether the learning outcomes will meet your individual learning needs.

CPE Certificates

For live webinars and face-to-face events, a CPE certificate is sent to the registered attendee at the end of the session.

For On-Demand webinar recordings purchased through the CCH Learning store, simply view the recording, complete and pass the accompanying CPE quiz and you will receive your CPE certificate.

CPE Logs

Information regarding your attendance is recorded through our event management software and we can make this information available should your CPE record be audited. However, it is up to individuals to maintain their own CPE log.

Please note: CCH Learning do not maintain CPE logs for individuals or organisations.